Draw your own Strategy Canvas
Select our time tested Live market strategies. Check the strategy specific Daily Drawdown and Return capability mentioned on the Strategy details. Finally select the strategies based on your risk taking appetite and return expectation.
Disclaimer :
Our Bots do not trade on Penny stocks or any risky stocks where risk is substantial. Our Strategy Bots are designed for high volume scripts using computer programing language, which is dependent on Data provider, cloud computer availability and other technical infrastructures. There can be instances either of these might behave abnormally due to many technical reasons resulting the Bot to malfunction. We try from our end to minimize the risk; however, risk can never be eliminated. The risk of loss in stock, stock/options, futures, futures/options, via computer program-based Algorithm can be substantial, and our site visitors and subscribers should consider whether trading these markets is appropriate in light of their financial situation.
Trade only if you have spare fund which you can afford to loose.